
February Rucking Challenge

Love of Rucking Challenge

The Challenge:
Ruck 1 Mile (Almost) Every Day.

Let's do this

February Challenge

Show your love for Rucking by getting out and getting miles throughout the month of February. Suggested frequency listed below.

Beginner Rucker: Ruck at least 1 mile 12 times this month.
Regular Ruckers: Ruck at least 1 mile 5x per week.
Serious Rucker: Ruck at least 1 mile every day in February.
Ruck Clubs: Member must attend at least 3 Ruck Club Events in February.

Ruck Club Leaders, click here for more info on how to integrate this challenge into your club.

Rucker's Choice.

February Patch

Choose your own adventure

$12 - Single Entry

$10 - Subscription



Single Entry


- sold out -

*By registering you agree to receive email updates regarding this and other monthly Ruck Challenges. We won’t sell your email address or spam you. That would be lame. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time. $10 Rucking Challenge Subscriptions will be renewed monthly based on the date you sign up. You may cancel your subscription at any time.

Got Questions?


1. Why should I do this challenge?
Because doing hard things and earning patches is awesome.

2. What if I miss a day?
Missed rucks can be "made up" at a rate of 2 miles per mile missed.

3. What happens if I don't complete the challenge?
Well... nothing. You still get the patch. But, come on. It is gonna be awesome.

4. Why is the subscription price lower than the single entry price?
Because, we want you to sign up for the subscription.

5. I'm not sure I want to subscribe. What if next month's challenge is too hard or the prize isn't as cool?
We are designing challenges that can accommodate all level of ruckers. You can see our past events to get an idea of what we offer.

6. What if my Ruck Club wants to do this challenge?
We put together this page to help Ruck Clubs run our Monthly Challenge.

7. Who is running this thing?
My name is Ryan. I run Ruck.Beer, Ruck.Training, and Rucking.com. I kinda like rucking. My email is in question 9 if you wanna ask me anything.

8. How do I cancel or update a subscription?
Email me at the address in question 9 and we will cancel your subscription ASAP.

9. I have more questions and/or I want to be a sponsor. What should I do?
Email ryan (AT) ruckingchallenges.com.

10. What do I do now?
Click the button below and sign up.

11. When do I get my patch?
It should be in your mailbox in early February or within 5 business days after you order (if you order in February). Time may be longer for international customers.

12. What about International folks?
We ship patches internationally at no additional cost.