
February Rucking Challenge

Love of Rucking Challenge


The Challenge:
Attend 3 Ruck Club Events in February

Let's do this

February Challenge

While members of your Ruck Club can do the regular February Rucking Challenge on their own, Ruck Club Leaders can use this challenge to bring your club together for a common goal while increasing participation in your club's events.

The pitch to your members is that in order to earn the February Challenge Patch (aka, show their love for rucking), they must attend at least 3 of your official Ruck Club events in February.

For members of your Ruck Club that want to earn the patch, there are two options:

1. Ruck Club Leaders can direct their members to sign up for the challenge on their own.

2. Ruck Club Leaders are welcome to order patches (5 patch minimum) from us in bulk and handle resale or gifting them to members as they see fit. The order form is found below.

Ruck Clubs ordering in bulk can buy patches at the rate of $10 per patch.

Please note that bulk orders will only be available as supplies last. It is HIGHLY recommended that you do not wait to order patches. Once they are gone, they are gone. You don't want to promise your club patches and then find out we're all sold out.


Due to overwhelming demand, the first run of this patch has sold out. However, we have decided to do a second run of the patch. Those ordering after January 24 should expect to receive their patches mid-March. We will update you in the coming month as production and delivery timelines become more clear. Thank you for your support!

[simpay id="734"]

Ruck Clubs ordering in bulk can buy patches at the rate of $10 per patch.